Dressing up is a huge part of Book Day and helps encourage children to think about their favourite books and characters. Here's our list of super cute costume ideas for your toddler this Book Day!

Most of us will know Bing from a TV Show which began on CBeebies in 2014. But did you know the series was based on the books by author, Ted Dewen. The stories follow a bunny named Bing and his friends, Flop and Sula as they experience and learn about life through their adventures at pre-school.

In the Night Garden started out as popular TV series, and has since been adapted into books. They make the perfect night time read for pre-school age children, with the soothing stories and relaxing imagery used throughout the books. Using recognisable characters can be a fun way to introduce regular reading with children from a young age.

This book is classic for many of us, can you believe it was first published in 1982! It's safe to say it has stood the test of time, as it's still hugely popular among parents when choosing books to read to their young children. Perfect for ages 1-3, the book is a letter to the zoo asking for a pet, which results in a succession of animals being dispatched - all of the deliveries containing highly unsuitable pets apart from the very last!

If you're looking for a more traditional theme for your toddler to get involved with this year for Book Day, classic fairy tales are a great idea. They're a key part of KS1 learning and how adorable are these matching Hansel & Gretel costumes!

Does this remind of a certain patchwork book character? That's why we think it deserves a place on this list of super cute book day costumes! And just like the book, this costume will teach young children that it's okay to stand out from the crowd and not necessarily look like everyone else.

It's never too early to start reading with your child. Before they can read by themself, they can still develop essential skills by learning phonics. By learning the sounds made by letters or groups of letters, in the future they will blend them together to form words! The Ugly Ducking is a great story to try this out with... And of course we recommend dressing them up to look absolutely adorable while they do!

The tale of how the three billy goats gruff outwitted the troll to cross the bridge is another classic fairy tale from most of our childhoods. This hooded all-in-one costume is definitely up there on our list of adorable Book Day costumes.
Schools and nurseries across the country take part in Book Day and thanks to the charity World Book Day, every child can get access to a £1 book that's suitable for their age. There are some fantastic options for pre-school aged children this year. Find out more, and how to get your book token on the World Book Day website.