What a time to be a little girl… this Unicorn craze doesn’t seem to be going anywhere just yet. Kids are absolutely obsessed with all things unicorn and rainbows, but can you really blame them – Unicorns are portrayed as beautiful, graceful creatures that are magic and can fly. That’s a full house for any little girls imagination so treat them to one of these costumes for their next fancy dress event and they’re going to love it! We have unicorn costumes for all occasions! Our Kittycorn Costume is perfect for parties and school discos. We have some no-fuss, ‘all in one’ costumes that are super comfy and instantly transform any little girl into a mythical creature. Or if you have someone persistently asking for a pet unicorn – our Ride-In Costume and Piggyback Costume are the next best thing, that will have your child being the main character in her own stories and adventures. Smiffys have also put together a collection of all the magical finishing touches you might need for your fancy dress outfit on our Unicorn Accessories page!